Timezone AEON Mall Tan Phu Celadon - Floor #2

Timezone AEON Mall Tan Phu Celadon - Floor #2

opening hours

Weekday: 10:00 - 22:00
Weekend: 09:00 - 22:00


Floor #2, AEON Mall Tan Phu, 30 Bo Bao Tan Thang Street, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, HCMC.

contact us


+84 28 7300 4479

Come play at Timezone AEON Mall Tan Phu

The tenth Timezone Center in Vietnam (launching in 2nd Dec 2022)

Timezone AEON Mall Tan Phu Celadon HCMC is full of over 50 arcarde modern game machines with the amazing redemption prize shop.

Let try your truely entertainment experience here to load the fun with your family, friends and beloved !!!