Timezone AEON Mall Ha Dong

Timezone AEON Mall Ha Dong

opening hours

Weekday: 10:00 - 22:00
Weekend: 09:00 - 22:00


Floor #3, AEON Mall Ha Dong, Hoang Van Thu Quarter, Duong Noi Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi

contact us

Fun and Games in Store at Timezone Aeon Mall Hà Đông

Craving a day of exhilarating activities with friends and family? Timezone Aeon Mall Hà Đông is your ultimate destination! Boasting one of Vietnam's largest arcades, this 1,300m2 fun-filled entertainment centre offers everything from thrilling Arcade Games to classic Attractions, ensuring non-stop excitement for all ages.

Experience the best of gaming and entertainment at Timezone Aeon Mall Hà Đông, where you can dive into a world of Arcade Games, VR experiences, and more. Challenge your friends to classics like The Wizard of Oz or explore the newest additions like Zombie Outbreak and Crazy Tower. Try your hand at 10-pin bowling in state-of-the-art Bowling Alleys. After you've scored ten strikes in a row, head over to the action-packed Bumper Cars Arena for a laughter-filled ride!

So, what are you waiting for? Gather your squad today and come on over to Timezone Aeon Mall Hà Đông!