1. The e-voucher is limited to 1 redemption per Timezone Fun App account.
2. To redeem the entry ticket to the game arena and join the challenge, visit us at any of the 6 venues between 1 pm to 5 pm, and approach our Fun Squad at the counter to redeem the e-voucher for the entry ticket. No screenshots of the e-voucher are allowed for redemption.
3. The last entry to the queue is at 5:30 PM, and the event will run until 6 PM.
4. The “Revive Card” will be issued to guests who reload a minimum of $38 between 1 to 5 PM at the Timezone venue where the event is taking place. It is valid for a single use only and must be presented to the game master before elimination or the start of the next game with new challengers. It must be surrendered upon usage.
5. Participants in the challenge must adhere to the game rules given by the game master. Disruptive behavior or failure to follow instructions will result in disqualification from the event.
6. By participating in this event, you agree to be photographed and/or filmed and give permission to use your likeness in promotional and/or marketing materials.
7. The e-voucher is strictly non-exchangeable for cash or any other prizes of similar value.
8. In the event of a dispute, Timezone's management's decision will be final.
9. If unforeseen circumstances occur, Timezone reserves the right to change or cancel the event without prior notice.