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Air Hockey
26 July 2023

3 Tips for Your Next Air Hockey Battle

Are you ready to take your Air Hockey skills to the next level? Believe it or not, there's a whole world championship dedicated to this exhilarating Arcade Game! While you may not be aiming for the global title, you can still sharpen your skills and impress your friends when you play them at Timezone Entertainment Centres. So, if you're up for the challenge, check out our expert tips for achieving Air Hockey dominance and become a force to be reckoned with on the table! Get ready to unleash your inner Air Hockey champion!


1. Maximise your power

In the world of Air Hockey, power reigns supreme! The key to success lies in the force of your strikes. The harder you hit the puck, the less time your opponent has to react and defend their goal. Experts suggest focusing on hitting the puck hard and straight, rather than swiping sideways. This not only improves your aim but also keeps your mallet in a prime defensive position, ready to tackle any possible returns.


2. Close the angles

When your opponent is shooting at your goal, where do you place your mallet? As close to the goal as possible? Well, no, if you want to prevent that winning ninth goal from going in! When defending, it's important to be around 6 to 12 inches ahead of the goal itself to narrow down the angle for your opponent to shoot at. If they can see less of your goal, they can't score. Being so close to the goal with your mallet also increases the chances of a ricochet off it into the slot. This is the most unfortunate goal to concede in Air Hockey so make sure it doesn't happen to you.


3. Have a bank shot as your secret weapon

While power plays a significant role in Air Hockey, let's not forget the timeless strategy of the bank shot! If you're looking to outwit your opponent, mastering this technique can give you a competitive edge. However, there are a few key points to keep in mind. Ensure that the puck only hits the side of the table once during the bank shot, as multiple bounces can slow down the speed of your strike. Also, take the seven seconds that you can hold the puck at your end to line up the shot properly and use the angles to your advantage. Air Hockey might be fun, but with these tricks and tips, you can ensure you're also the Timezone MVP!


Let the games begin at Timezone 

Enjoy thrilling matches at Timezone, the ultimate destination for kids and adults to enjoy the thrill of fun and games. With dedicated Air Hockey tables and a vibrant atmosphere, Timezone ensures a memorable experience for both the young and young at heart. Score membership perks and exclusive promotions when you download the Timezone Fun app. Let the fun begin!


Information is correct at the point of writing. 

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