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Timezone Victoria Street

Timezone Victoria Street

opening hours

Regular Opening Hours  

Monday: 10am - 9pm 

Tuesday: 10am - 9pm 

Wednesday: 10am - 9pm 

Thursday: 10am - 9pm 

Friday: 10am - 10pm 

Saturday: 10am - 10pm 

Sunday: 10am - 9pm 


460 Victoria St, Hamilton, 3204

contact us


(07) 808 3127
Parties Parties
Prizes Prizes
Games Games
Timezone Victoria Street

Prominently situated in the heart of Hamilton is Victoria Street, an iconic street named after Queen Victoria. And if you go down to Victoria Street, you’re in for a big surprise! Why? Well, well – ‘cos, that’s where you can find one of New Zealand’s most established family-friendly entertainment and game centres, TIMEZONE Victoria St, Hamilton. If you are looking for fun things to do this weekend, then TIMEZONE has got all the adrenaline-pumping indoor activities covered. 

Bonus: TIMEZONE is absolutely adult-friendly too! So, bring along your friends and family members for fun activities that you can bond over in TIMEZONE Hamilton. 

Book a Party at Victoria Street

What’s In Store For You At TIMEZONE Victoria Street, Hamilton?

At TIMEZONE Victoria St, Hamilton, it’s all about creating a lifetime of sweet stories and lasting memories. Revel in a plethora of classic arcade games and immersive experiences to keep the entire family entertained from sunrise to sunset.

At TIMEZONE Victoria Street, Hamilton, there are more than one way to play your favourite arcade games – time play package or arcade credits. Go wild and take playtime to the next level with your Powercard as you put your competitive streak to the test in classic games like NBA Hoops, Mario Kart, ATV Slam, and more. Once you’ve conquered your favourite arcade ticket games, head to the prize shop and exchange your winnings for some incredible prizes and rewards!