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Timezone Christchurch Central

Timezone Christchurch Central

opening hours

Regular Opening Hours 

Monday: 10am - 10pm  

Tuesday: 10am - 10pm 

Wednesday: 10am - 10pm 

Thursday:10am - 11pm 

Friday: 10am - 12am 

Saturday: 10am - 1am 

Sunday: 10am - 10pm 


Entrance via Shands Lane 92 Hereford Street Christchurch Central Christchurch 8011

contact us


(03) 668 1207
Prizes Prizes
Games Games
Parties Parties
Timezone Christchurch Central

The Go-to Fun place in the heart of Christchurch!

Located close to Riverside Markets and The Terrace, Timezone Christchurch Central brings the latest entertainment to the city.

Grab your mates, friends or whanau to work up an appetite before dinner or let the kids blow off some energy while you sit back and relax.

With a jam-packed Winners Vault prize shop, you'll surely find the perfect memento to take home to remind you of a fantastic day.

Book a Party at Christchurch Central