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Blog Platinum Plus

Platinum Plus Rewards

Your Platinum rewards are changing – for the better!

Okay, so to get to our new tier four, aka Timezone’s VIP PLATINUM Plus Powercard, you’ll have to put in a little more effort. Like, get down to the business of playing games like it’s the only gig in town. Which it is if you’re serious about becoming the ultimate Timezone Arcade Games Boss! You qualify for the PLATINUM Plus Powercard once you’ve hit 5,000 Reward Points^. Yup.

But the perks when you make it to our new PLATINUM Plus Powercard are magnificent.

Don’t worry though, you’ll still receive your current Platinum rewards until you hit the new PLATINUM Plus tier. 

What does Reward Points spend mean?

Reward Points refers to the total nett load accumulated on a Timezone Powercard while playing at Timezone. Reward Points excludes bonus game credit earned from offers and promotions. One (1) Reward Point equals One Dollar ($1).

Example: a load of $50 on a double-dollar offer shows a balance of $100’s worth of game credit. The net load credited towards Timezone Rewards is $50.

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