Valentine Arcade Edition

Valentine Arcade Edition

Valentine's Arcade Edition

Reload 'Arcade Edition' offer on Fun App between 5th-12th Feb to get 3,000 game credits+ 10 Free games and an exclusive plushie. The Voucher for Games & Merchandise gets added on the Fun App account within 48 hours of your reload.

Offer redeemable between 14th February to 23rd February 2025 at below mentioned venues

*Terms & Conditions

  1. Voucher is valid till 23rd Feb'25 and only at above mentioned venues

  2. Offer entitles guest to get 3000 credits instantly and voucher code on Fun App for 10 games ( 5 video and 5 Ticket) and a plushie

  3. Free games are valid for 7 days from date of voucher redemption

  4. Voucher code mandatory to redeem the offer.

  5. Voucher redeemable on select venues.

  6. Only one voucher per guest i.e. even if you have multiple cards, offer is applicable only once.