Step into a world of unbeatable offers designed to amplify your gaming experience at Timezone India! Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or planning your next big party, you’ll find exclusive discounts, limited-time offers, and exciting rewards that will ensure you get the most out of every visit. Explore what’s new and take advantage of these exciting deals to make your gameplay even more rewarding!
This Christmas, Santa is skipping the same-old gifts for something cooler. Pay once and play triple, because even Santa knows the best presents aren’t under the tree—they’re at Timezone🎅✨
Hurry, this ho-ho-holiday deal is only available at venues and on Fun App (link of fun app) on 25th December from 8AM- 11AM
Gold members enjoy a special privilege of extended hour of Triple Dollar till 12 noon.
Offer starts at Rs.2500/-
Timezone opens at Polo Central Mall Agartala on 20th Dec'24 at 12pm. Venue hosts latest attractions such as Bowling, VR rides and Arcade Games. The exclusive Prize shop filled with the most attractive merchandizes, awaits your presence. Explore the venue and grab the special launch deal at Rs.3000. T&Cs apply.
Double the excitement before the year ends! With Double Dollar, you get more play for your pay because 2024 deserves a grand finale🎉 Don’t wait—claim your Double Dollar now!➕ Offer Also applicable on Timezone Fun App
Yes, you read it right! HALF the Price for Double the FUN, only on Tuesdays! This amazing gaming offer is only available one day of the week - but it’s definitely worth a visit.
Grab your partner and play games together at half rates till you drop.
T&C Apply