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Our Reload feature allows you to load up your Powercard anytime and anywhere, on the go. You can also keep track of your rewards and receive member benefits all in one place. What's more? Play and win prizes for Elevate Your Fun!

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Free Tizo di Fun App

Syarat & Ketentuan Free 30 + 50 Tizo

  1. Download Fun App dari Google Play Store atau App Store.
  2. Registrasi dan lengkapi profilmu.
  3. Masukkan kode FREEE30 untuk mendapatkan 30 Tizo.
  4. Daftarkan nomor Powercard kamu untuk mendapatkan tambahan 50 Tizo.
  5. Tambahan 50 Tizo akan kamu dapatkan 3 hari setelah kamu mendaftarkan Powercard.


What are the features of the Timezone Fun App?

Timezone Fun app gives you the ability to reload your Powercards, receive e-vouchers for reward benefits, view and track all your Powercards, play and win prizes and receive offers and special deals directly on your mobile device. Once you've installed the Timezone Fun app, you'll also have the ability to receive notifications for exclusive deals and explore our venue locations.

How do I get the Timezone Fun app for my phone?

Download the Timezone Fun app on your Apple iOS device from the Apple App Store or on your Android device from Google Play. Our Mobile App is completely free to download and install.

How can I comment or give feedback about my Timezone Fun app experience?

We love to hear your feedback! You can use our Contact us section in the app or fill out the Contact us form HERE and selecting "Fun App or Guest Portal" as the Subject of Enquiry.

Is my Timezone Fun app the latest version?

If your Timezone Fun app is no longer working, you may be using an outdated version that is no longer supported. Please download the latest version from App Store or Google Play by searching for the app by name and clicking on update.

Is the Timezone Fun app secure?

The Timezone Fun App uses global online payment providers which are certified with level one PCI DSS compliance, the highest level of encryption available. This ensures that all payment data is safeguarded. For authentication, Timezone has implemented multi-factor authentication (MFA) that requires a user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to the application. This is used to protect and secure user data.

Can I use the Timezone Fun app on multiple devices?

Yes! You can be signed in to your Timezone Fun app account on more than one device at the same time.

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What if my transaction does not go through?

Please check if your credit card has been charged. If it has, please contact us and we will assist you as soon as possible.

How do I reload my card?

In the Timezone Fun App, click on the Reload tab. Toggle the top list to select the Powercard you want to reload. View all the reload offers available and select the Powercard you want and proceed with the payment process.

Will in-app Reloads be reflected on my card?

Yes! Your new balance will be updated, and you will also be able to check your balance in a venue by tapping your Powercard at a check balance station or asking our team to check your balance.

Will I be able to use my reload immediately?

Yes! Your online reload will be added to your Powercard instantaneously and you can enjoy playing your favourite games at venue right away. Sometimes there can be lag of few minutes in such case our Funsquad team shall be happy to help.

Can I get a refund?

Ensure that your Fun Account is secure as all in-app card reloads are non-refundable and non-transferable to another Powercard.

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Where are my registered Powercards?

Ensure that you have registered your new app account with the same email or phone number with which your Powercards were previously registered. Once that is done, you will find all your registered Powercards in your app.

Powercard balances are incorrect.

Balances may take some time to appear in the app. If it does not reflect after 24 hours, please get in touch with us, and we will assist you as soon as possible.

I cannot add my Powercard.

If you receive an error message, try to enter the numbers manually. If the error persists, please get in touch with us, and we will help you resolve the issues as soon as possible.

How do I add a Powercard?

Using the Timezone Fun App, you can allow the camera function to scan your card number automatically. You will have to enter your CVV number and add a nickname for the card.

How do I check my Powercard balance?

Checking your Powercard balance is quick and easy! Sign in to your Timezone account, go to the Powercard section and select the card you wish to view the balance on. Swipe right/left to switch between Powercards.

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I did not receive my benefits.

If the benefits are provided via e-vouchers, you should see them in the e-voucher section of your app. If you feel any are missing, please contact us and we will assist you as soon as possible.

Card colour or tier is wrong.

The card that you see in the app reflects the card that you are holding. If you are already qualified for an upgrade, please head to any Timezone venue for a new Powercard. Once you have this new, upgraded card, please add it to your account to track and receive rewards.

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How do I redeem my e-vouchers?

Just present your registered Powercard and e-voucher at any Timezone venue to redeem by scanning the voucher barcode on your app.

Where can I find my e-vouchers?

Select “My vouchers” option at the top of the app screen to view your active e-vouchers. Click “View All” to see all vouchers and toggle to view active, redeemed, or expired ones.

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How can I change my password?

Sign in to your account, click " Account " and select "Profile". In the “Personal Details” section, scroll down to the bottom of the page, select “Change password” update the section with your new password and select “Set new password “to save the update.

How can I update my username, email address, address and mobile number?

Sign into your account, click " Account " and select "Profile". In the “Personal Details” section update your details and select “Save” to save the updates.

My birthdate is incorrect in my account. How can I change this?

We are happy to review this change for you. Please contact us with your ID stating your correct birthdate, and we will update it as soon as possible.

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What features does the Timezone Fun app have?

Timezone Fun app gives you the ability to reload your Powercards receive e-vouchers for reward benefits, view and track all your Powercards, play and win prizes and receive offers and special deals directly on your mobile device. Once you've installed the Timezone Fun app, you'll also have the ability to receive notifications for exclusive deals and explore our venue locations.

What are the Promotions in the app?

The promotions include exclusive promotions and those that are available for all our guests. The coloured flags on each promotion (red, blue, gold, platinum) tells if the promotion is application to all card tiers or exclusive to selected ones.

How do I win games prizes?

When you complete a challenge, there may or may not be a prize voucher won. If there is, it will appear on the e-vouchers section of the app. You can then proceed to any Timezone venue to redeem the prize.

How can I change themes?

Sign into your account, click " Account " and select "App theme". Under the theme options, tap a theme to enable it. You can switch themes at any time.   

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