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Bumper Cars

Bumper Cars

Spin Zone bumper cars

Enter the Spin Zone. Spin, whirl, revolve, and rotate around Timezone’s dazzling indoor bumper car arenas while crashing into opponents and showing them who’s boss! 

These solo driven dodgem cars put your driving skills to the test as you face off against family and friends in bumper-to-bumper action! 

Ready to put the pedal to the metal?

Traditional bumper cars

Push, crash and bash your way to victory in Timezone’s traditional dodgem arenas! In these awesome electric bumper cars, you’re invited to strap in solo or buddy up with a pal.

It’s time to bump the competition while steering yourself clear of oncoming opponents. Keep your wits about you as you might just get a big bump when you least expect it!

Surrounded by bright neon lights and pumping music, this traditional bumper car experience is almost impossible to beat!

Bumper cars FAQs

What is the minimum age to ride bumper cars?

The minimum age requirement for Timezone bumper cars is 4 years old.

What is the minimum height for bumper cars?

The minimum height for Spin Zone bumper cars is 112 cm. Traditional Bumper Cars, the minimum height is 130 cm for solo drivers and 90cm for those with a partner (above 112 cm).

Can I ride the bumper cars with a friend?

While Spin Zone bumper cars are for solo drivers only, Timezone’s traditional bumper cars allow for two people at a time.

Spin Zone bumper cars: restrictions & safety information

  • Only one person is allowed per dodgem car
  • No children under 4 years of age
  • Minimum height 112 cm
  • Maximum weight 120 kg
  • No loose articles allowed
  • No running
  • No bare feet
  • Safety restraint must be worn at all times
  • Keep hands on steering levers and feet in footrests during operation
  • No food or drinks allowed
  • Do not stand or step on bumper tubes
  • Do not bump rails

*Please do not ride with seizures, neck or back disorders, heart conditions, motion sickness, pregnancy, prescription medication, dizziness, or if intoxicate

Traditional bumper cars: restrictions & safety information

  • Limited to two riders per dodgem car
  • Riders must be over 90 cm in height
  • No unaccompanied riders under the height of 130 cm is permitted
  • No food or drinks
  • No bare feet
  • No head-on bumping
  • Safety restraint must always be worn
  • No running
  • No loose articles allowed
  • Remain seated whilst in motion

*If you suffer from the following, you are not permitted to ride: seizures, neck or back disorders, heart conditions, motion sickness, pregnancy, dizziness or if intoxicated.