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The need for speed

Got the need… The need for speed? If so, it’s a good idea to get your kicks away from the road…Fortunately, Timezone entertainment venues stock a whole bunch of games and attractions that will satisfy your adrenaline-fuelled dreams! From bumper cars to motorsport-inspired arcade games, put these Timezone games to the test and let your speed flag fly…

Mario Kart Arcade GP

Everybody’s favourite Italian plumber gets in touch with his inner racer in this immersive arcade cabinet game! For those of us who remember whipping around tracks like Bowser’s Castle and Rainbow Road on Nintendo 64, this modern arcade experience is bound to blow you away. Pick from your favourite characters (including Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser and, yes, even Donkey Kong) and see who’s got the racing skills to come out on top – Wahoo!

Midnight Maximum Tune 6

Petrol-heads will love Midnight Maximum Tune 6 – it’s an arcade favourite for a reason. You can choose your dream ride from the more than 80 famous cars featured, picked from Japan and around the Globe, and hurtle down expressways inspired by real-life highways and byways as you compete for the top spot on the podium. This arcade game uses a 6-speed transmission and is perfect for gamers looking for a lifelike racing experience.

Cruis’n Blast

Have you got what it takes to speed through London’s bustling streets, Rio de Janeiro during Carnival, or Madagascar’s jungle? Get behind the wheel and find out! The racing title Cruis’n Blast joins the list of Timezone arcade games perfect for speed freaks. Soak up the dazzling lights and realistic racetrack sound effects while nestled inside your covered cockpit and get ready to drag race against other drivers. There are five racing courses and 20 high-powered cars to choose from, so you can keep playing to find your favourite combo.

Mini Rider 3D

This self-contained motion ride will blow your hair back! Literally: it features wind and motion simulator effects. Two players can choose from several exciting speed-related films (think rollercoasters, ski-slope shenanigans and even a rush through an abandoned mineshaft) – simply pick one, put on your 3D glasses, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

Increase the revs with Timezone bumper cars

Want to get a little more physical? Once you’re done with the racing-themed arcade games, try your hand at Timezone’s bumper cars! Get ready to dodge, duck and perfect your pivot with these two bumper car options:

  • Traditional Bumper Cars: partner up and jump into a traditional electric bumper car– it’s time to see who’s got what it takes to crash through the competition and avoid big hits.
  • Spin Zone Bumper Cars: a different take on traditional bumper cars, these solo-driven cars spin, whirl and rotate as you aim for the competition and weave between your opponents (read: family and friends!).

On your mark, get set...

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